Sacramento New Tech H.S. Freshmen “Chalk Up” Replicas of European Art Masters – On Display at Tomorrow’s 12/08/22 Winter Showcase


By:  Cassandra Santisteban, Santisteban Research, Strategy, Insights            For Immediate Release:  12/7/2022

Sacramento New Tech H.S. Freshmen “Chalk Up” Replicas of European Art Masters – On Display 1at Tomorrow’s (12/08) Winter Showcase 


Two Teachers inspire creativity in Freshman, as part of their “Art, Geography, and Ethnic Studies” (AGE) curriculum

5 days + teams of 2-3 Students + Choice of ~20 European Art Masters (Using a surplus of Chalk) = Impressive Chalk Art renderings

Check out the Chalk replicas of the Masters, during tomorrow’s (12/ 8/2022) Winter Showcase, and PTSA Fundraiser, starting at 5:30 pm. 


Who says Art, Geography, and Ethnic Studies (AGE) can’t be fun? Two teachers from Sacramento’s New Tech High School – Jennifier Coyle and Wendy Toffeletti – thought of a genius way to make their AGE curriculum come alive using a surplus of the school’s chalk. 

The goal was to expose freshmen students to European Art, Artists, and their Masterpieces.  The approach was a five-day project involving an introduction to ~20 European Art Masters, including Van Gogh, Picasso, Rembrandt, Goya, and Da Vinci, among others.  Next, student teams of 2 – 3 “Wolf Pack” freshmen were formed and chose the masterpiece they would render.  Teams took two days to create a prototype and two days to create and complete their Chalk renderings.


These chalk Masterpieces will be on display tomorrow, Thursday Dec. 8th, during Sacramento New Tech High School’s Winter Showcase, starting at 5:30 pm at 1400 Dickson St, Sacramento, CA 95822

Sacramento New Tech High School, Wolf Pack invites their students and families to join them so their students can showcase all the great projects they have been working on this semester.  

Additionally, the PTSA will be hosting a fundraiser raffle during the Winter Showcase.  They have collected fabulous raffle prizes, including: a Christmas tree complete with lights and decorations, New Tech Hoodies, themed gift baskets, gift cards from local restaurants and much more!  This is a cash only, PTSA event and fundraiser, so please bring cash to purchase raffle tickets.

About Sacramento New Tech High School:

Sacramento New Technology High School Mission – “We commit ourselves to:

Educational excellence

Learning through collaboration with family, business, community, and other students

Using advanced learning methods, technology, and a professional environment to stimulate higher levels of learning 

Creating the relationships and opportunities to consistently provide innovative technology and high-quality work and college experiences for high school students

At SNTHS we value community, diversity, challenge, and engagement.  Our school community seeks to build a culture of Trust, Respect, Responsibility and Relationships.  We help prepare students for life after high school.  We want students to reflect on the idea of what is acceptable in the professional world.  Students will be empowered to take their education in their own hands more than at other schools.  As a result, students will also be given a greater degree of involvement in school governance.  It is important to remember, with these privileges comes great responsibilities.

Jennifer Coyle, Critical Thinking/Art Teacher, Wendy Toffeletti, Humanities Teacher/ASB Advisor

Contact:  Office Hours: 9am – 4pm (or by appointment)

Call: (916) 395-5254

Visit the Sacramento City Unified School District website

Author:  Cassandra Santisteban 916-847-7518